
9 Estructura del artículo científico

La estructura del artículo científico debe cumplir una estructura estándar. En Basics of research paper writing and publishing se explica:

Editors and publishers expect a standard form and structure of submitted papers and published versions for reviewers and readers. The form may vary considerably by type of paper (e.g. a case study is presented in a different form from a survey paper), but the basic building blocks are similar. Some parts of a paper are also relevant for indexing services, which expect title, authors, affiliations, abstract and similar pieces of (meta)information


The structure of a research paper comprises three core parts, namely introduction, body and discussion. The progression of the thematic scope of a paper within these parts typically follows a pattern called the ‘Hourglass Model’ (see Figure 1, light-grey parts; cf. Swales, 1993): The introduction leads the reader from general motivations and abroad subject to a particular research question that is tackled in the body of the paper. The body of the paper stays within a tight thematic scope and describes the research methods and results in detail. Eventually, the discussion part aims to draw general conclusions and present implications from the results. This thematic progression is also reflected in Berry’s (1986) claim that a research paper should be circular in argument, i.e.the conclusion should return to the opening, and examine the original purpose in the light of the presented research. However, there are additional parts of a paper with similar importance. These are title, abstract and references.