Web Programming with PHP

1 Introduction

This course organizes and presents course material to enable students to learn by themselves.

This course is composed of the following lessons:

  1. Introduction: Introduction to the content and structure of the course
  2. Project: miniFacebook: Description of the project of the course
  3. XAMPP: Installation and configuration of the web application framework
  4. New HTML5 Elements: New HTML5 semantic elements (header, hgroup, nav, article, section, aside, time, mark, footer) and form controls (email, url, date, time, etc.)
  5. First Web Pages of the Project: First web pages of the project: home page, new user register form, search form, and login form
  6. Basic Syntax: Basic syntax of the language: PHP tags, instruction separation, and comments
  7. Including one File into another File: How to include a file into another file to split a web page into different files
  8. Web Page Template: How to create a web page template and split the content in different files
  9. Variables, constants, expressions, and operators: Variables and constants are used together with operators to create expressions
  10. Variable Exercises: Exercises about variables
  11. Control Structures: Control structures in PHP: if, else, elseif, else if, while, do/while, for, foreach, break, continue, switch/case/default
  12. Syntax Exercises: Exercises about PHP syntax
  13. Arrays: Creation of arrays and useful functions
  14. Array Exercises: Exercises about arrays
  15. Predefined Variables: Predefined variables or built-in variables available to all scripts
  16. Getting Data from a Web Form: $_GET and $_POST
  17. Example of Getting Data from a Web Form: An example of getting data from a web form
  18. Users Validation against an Array: Validation of users using an array that stores usernames and passwords
  19. Hashing a String: Use of MD5 hash to encrypt a string
  20. Storing Passwords Securely: MD5 hash is used to encrypt passwords
  21. Creating a Database: Creation of a MySQL database with phpMyAdmin
  22. Accessing a Database: Accessing a MySQL database from PHP
  23. Database Connection Library: The connection and selection of the database are put in a different file
  24. Users Validation against a Database: Validation of users using a table in a database that stores usernames and passwords
  25. Inserting Data Into a Database: How to insert information into a database
  26. Registering a New User: Registration of a new user
  27. Keeping Users' Information Through Web Pages: How to keep information about a user from one page to another page
  28. Checking if User Is Logged: How to check if the user is logged and can access the private area of a web application
  29. Security of Web Applications: Advices to secure a web application
  30. Donwload Project miniFacebook: Download all the files of the project miniFacebook

The presentations of this course can be freely downloaded from the Digital Archive of the University of Alicante: Web Programming with PHP.