36 Usability - Project
DEADLINE: 15 July 2012
The exercise must be sent to Cristina Cachero Castro by email (ccc at ua.es)
Download materials: http://www.dlsi.ua.es/~ccachero/lublin2012.rar
URL of Remote Usability Tests:
- GROUP 1: http://www.loop11.com/usability-test/15257/introduction
- GROUP 2: http://www.loop11.com/usability-test/15261/introduction
- GROUP 3: http://www.loop11.com/usability-test/15258/introduction
Description of the assignment in order to get the 50 hour certificate from the University of Alicante:
- Each person (individudally) must perform the TWO Remote usability tests of the two fellow groups.
- In groups: gather and analyze the data of YOUR REMOTE USABILITY TEST.
- In groups: Make a report following the ISO 25062 ISO Guidelines. Include suitable graphics when necessary.
- Send the report (together with the UCA and the URL of your usability website) to ccc@ua.es.