Pedro Pernías Peco, Sergio Luján-Mora. 12th International Conference on Information Technology Based Higher Education and Training (ITHET 2013), p. 1-8, Antalya (Turkey), October 10-12 2013. ISBN: 978-1-4799-0085-5.
This paper focuses on the development of UniMOOC aemprende, a MOOC (Massive Open Online Course) based on Google CourseBuilder. Firstly, we discuss the current available platforms aimed to develop MOOCs: before developing UniMOOC aemprende, different MOOC platforms were reviewed in order to choose the most suitable for our requirements. Then, we explain why we selected Google CourseBuilder as the most suitable option for the requirements of our MOOC. Finally, we present the architecture of our MOOC, composed of different components that engage our students and help them succeed.
Keywords: MOOC; LMS; e-learning; online learning; distance learning; architecture
More information: Architecture of a MOOC based on CourseBuilder